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Brand: Huntkey
Brand: Best Quality
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Brand: Belkin
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A power strip is commonly known as multi-plug, extension block extension bows, power board, power bar, plugboard, pivot plug, trailing socket, trailing gang, plug bar, trailer bead, multi-socket, multi-box, socket board, super plug, multiple sockets, multiple outlets, poly socket, and many others. Many peoples known it are by many names. Its use for allowing two or more connections by using USB ports in one strip give powered from a single electrical socket. Commonly use it, when multiple electric devices like audio, video appliances, and other many devices allowing together include it can more use interrupt the electric current protection again overload or a short circuit. Multi-Plug Price in Bangladesh bases on the global market. Approx, the primary current designs for the power strip were developed by US Fedtro in 1970. In the early time, Australia and New Zealand manufactured a power board with an individual switch that looked like a power strip. For your comfortless buy a power strip that will fully fill your need. If you know the Powerstrip price in BD then visit our platform.
Among our various varieties of multi-plug or Power, Strips are Deli, Huntkey, Neno, Was, Power Pac, Nano MBS, Mi smart, Belkin, Remax, and Xiaomi multi-plug price in bd. For purchase call our website visit from Original Store Ltd online platform that superstar electrical accessories ltd. Our hotline number is given bellow of in the bottom of website original store Ltd has connected the all over BD for computer accessories also its products.